NWS “Upcycling for New Life” Programme Transform waste pallets into practical furniture

NWS “Upcycling for New Life” Programme Transform waste pallets into practical furniture

(22 December 2022, Hong Kong) Pallets used in logistics are given a second life! NWS Holdings Limited (“NWS” or the “Group”) initiated the “Upcycling for New Life” programme to collect waste pallets from ATL Logistics Centre, a member company of NWS, and transform them into a variety of furniture. The first batch of upcycled furniture was sent to The Salvation Army’s ‘To・Gather’ @ Sam Shing Transitional Housing in Tuen Mun in early December, creating a practical and recreational public space for more than a hundred households.

Sustainability is at the heart of NWS’s business. Promoting environmental protection is one of our focuses. The Group has been working with St. James Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Centre to roll out the“Upcycling for New Life” programme. It host a number of workshops where volunteers turnedwastes into treasures by designing, cutting, polishing and assembling waste pallets collected from ATL Logistics Centre, and upcycling them into all kinds of furniture such as shelves, bar counters and planters.

The first batch of upcycled furniture was sent to The Salvation Army’s ‘To・Gather’ @ Sam Shing Transitional Housing in Tuen Mun in early December. They help liven up the residential environment while creating a practical and recreational public space for over a hundred households.

Gilbert Ho, Chief Operating Officer of NWS said, “The Group values sustainable development and makes proactive efforts in promoting environmental protection. This programme is a meaningful one, for we have leveraged the resources within our business ecosystem, to upcycle waste pallets from our logistics centre to create a beautiful public space for a transitional housing area. We intend to take this programme further and create shared values for our stakeholders.”


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